About 關於


Orange 是香港最活躍的無伴奏合唱(a cappella) 組合之一。成立不久,已先後獲邀到日本、新加坡、台灣、中國內地、澳門等地演出,表現屢獲好評。曾亮相於各大型文化活動及藝術節。曾接受無線電視台、有線電視台及台灣中國廣播等專訪。曾合作過的藝人包括陳潔靈、葉麗儀、陳奐仁、C AllStar、黃凱芹和世界級小提琴家姚珏等。期盼憑著專業的原編原創曲目,以及充滿活力的形象,為香港帶來別樹一格的表演,推動合唱藝術。

團名Orange 的意思是指「全領域」(取其諧音 All range),指團隊有著廣闊多變的聲音,並以唱出不同曲風和聲效為宗旨。

Orange is one of the most popular a cappella groups in Hong Kong. The group name is to be understood by reading it as ‘All’ ‘Range’, aims to show a broad vocal range and a diverse styles of music. In addition to a cappella covers of pop songs, the group also performs their own original music.

The group has performed at major events over Asian major cities. They have collaborated with famous pop singers such as Elisa Chan, Frances Yip, C AllStar, Chris Wong and renowned violinist Jue Yao etc.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/orangeacappella


Orange 由一群對音樂充滿熱誠的80後組成。由 2009年8月成立至今,已獲不同的團體邀請擔任表演嘉賓。2010年2月,Orange遠赴日本札幌參加無伴奏合唱的交流演出,大獲好評,隨後於香港2010 國際無伴奏合唱節演唱。同年10 月至12 月期間,應香港貿易發展局之邀請前往山東濟南參與展覽活動演出,並分別代表香港受邀前往新加坡2010國際無伴奏合唱節、澳門城市藝穗2010 及深圳灣藝穗節之演出。上年,於國際綜藝合家歡2013 舉辦了一連三場爆滿的無伴奏合唱音樂會《你,唱得喜?》。Orange 曾接受無綫電視(TVB) 訪問。Orange 曾合作過的藝人包括陳潔靈、葉麗儀、陳奐仁、賈思樂、C AllStar、世界級小提琴家姚珏等。

為了積極推廣無伴奏合唱,Orange 於不同的中學作合唱示範,2010 年暑假,Orange 獲香港藝術發展局邀請,與來自不同中學的學生於香港伊利沙伯體育館演出,並在音樂事務處的音樂夏令營分享無伴奏合唱的經驗,期望藉此宣揚音樂燃亮人生的正面訊息。其他曾與Orange 合作的機構包括:香港當代無伴奏合唱協會、香港電台、香港廉政公署、香港青年協會、民政事務局家庭議會、有線電視、港鐵公司、香港奧比斯及香港機場管理局、香港社會服務聯會等。

Orange, formed in August 2009, is one of the most popular a cappella groups in Hong Kong. The group name is to be understood by reading it as ‘All’ ‘Range’, aims to show a broad vocal range and a diverse styles of music. Singers of Orange all show huge passion for singing, and are mostly music graduates who have been involved in various instrumental ensembles, choral ensembles and a cappella groups since early ages. In addition to a cappella covers of pop songs, the group also performs their own original music.

Over the past years, Orange has toured around Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, China and Macau. They were invited to perform in various arts festivals and events, such as the Hamosatsu a cappella Festival in Japan, International A Cappella Festival of Singapore, the 10th Macau City Fringe Festival and the Shenzhen Bay International Fringe Festival etc. The group has also been interviewed by Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB), Cable TV, Jinan QiLuo TV, Jinan Transportation Broadcast Station, Taipei Broadcasting Corporation of China etc.  They have collaborated with pop artists such as Eliza Chan,  Hanjin Chan, Louie Castro, C AllStar etc, and also world-renowned violinist Jue Yao.

Nevertheless, Orange gave frequent public performances locally. They were invited to perform at the International Arts Carnival 2013, Hong Kong 2010 International Festival, concerts held by the Contemporary A Cappella Society of Hong Kong and pop concerts. They have also worked with the following organizations: Independent Commission Against Corruption, The Hong Kong Federatino of Youth Groups. Home Affairs Bureau and Family Council, MTR Corporation Limited , The Airport Authority Hong Kong etc.

Orange also performed for charity and held educational workshops at schools consistently. They have not just once cooperated with the ORBIS Hong Kong; have been guest performer of music camp organized by the Music Office of Hong Kong and have leaded a group of young representatives to perform together at the Award Ceremony of the 2nd Arts Ambassadors-in-School Scheme,  organized by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium.